16th June, 2020

Today a person whom I have known is no more. He was just a student among many others in the boy's hostel. I just found out today that he committed suicide. He wasn't my friend or classmate, I even doubt we hardly have a conversation ever but his demise makes me question myself. Btw, this is the 3rd one this year, whom I knew personally. It's so odd that they were once breathing & laughing, now they don't even exist. I don't understand the meaning of it, all of it. Among Us, we claim to achieve nirvana, the ultimate enlightenment, and god knows how many different things. But you know it's very hard to act upon things you know, for sure. I don't know why but I find it very hard to incorporate all this wisdom that is available to us. On one side I find myself aware of my surroundings and still worried. On the contrary, I see people who are unaware of what's happening around them continue to live their life to the fullest. Now I know why they said, "ignorance is bliss". I love to learn about the universe, how things work, how everything happens yet all this information seems to hold no value when they are needed. Nowadays, I am constantly oscillating between reality and the idea of reality. Hope to be as free as my mind which wanders across the depths and mysteries of the universe.